Interventional Cardiology
Our Price: Varies
Interventional cardiology procedures in a North American hospital or cardiology clinic can cost many thousands of dollars more than the exact same procedure performed at MedicalMex.
The practice of interventional cardiology is a sub-specialty of the general practice of cardiology that deals specifically with treating diseases of the heart and cardiovascular system through minimally invasive procedures employing catheters, stents and intravascular balloons.

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Interventional Cardiology
Cardiology Surgery Center or Excellence
Procedures of interventional cardiology commonly feature the placement of a catheter into the femoral artery at a site in the patient’s groin, from which the interventional cardiologist can then obtain access to the clogged arteries and blood vessels of the heart. In some cases, the radial artery (accessed via the wrist or forearm) is used instead. An advantage of using the radial artery is that many patients can sit up and walk immediately after completion of the procedure. The cardiologist is usually guided in performing procedures by X-rays, for which contrast dye has been introduced to the patient’s cardiovascular system to highlight areas of blockage and disease.
Among the procedures encompassed by interventional cardiology are:

Interventional Cardiology Procedures:
Angioplasty Procedure
Also called percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty (PTCA), angioplasty is an intervention for the treatment of coronary artery disease.
Valvuloplasty Procedure
Valvuloplasty is the dilation of narrowed cardiac valves (usually mitral, aortic, or pulmonary).

Interventional Cardiology Procedures:
Correction of Congenital Heart Defects
Catheterization can be employed to correct atrial septal and ventricular septal defects, closure of a patient’s ductus arteriosus, and angioplasty of the great vessels.
Percutaneous Valve Replacement
An alternative to open heart surgery, percutaneous valve replacement is the replacement of a heart valve using percutaneous methods.

Interventional Cardiology Procedures:
Coronary Thrombectomy
Coronary thrombectomy involves the removal of a thrombus (blood clot) from the coronary arteries.
Cardiac Ablation Procedure
A technique performed by clinical electrophysiologists, cardiac ablation is used in the treatment of arrhythmias.

Interventional Cardiology FAQs
Frequently-Asked-Question about Interventional Cardiology Procedures
For more information about our Cardiology Procedures at MedicalMex helps you take care of one of the most importante organs in your body, please read our most frequently asked questions or contact us today using our Request More Information form at the bottom of our page.
Cardiology Center of Excellence
MedicalMex offers a wide variety of cardiology procedures to treat one of the most vital organs of the human body: our heart:
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